Endometriosis is the location of glandular tissue outside the uterus that forms the inner part of the uterus and provides menstruation in normal physiology. If it forms a cyst on the ovary, it is called a chocolate cyst.
Hysteroscopy is an imaging procedure for the uterus. The correct timing for hysteroscopy is the first week after your period ends.
There are 3 approaches to remove the uterus from the body with abdominal access. These are laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy methods. Robotic assisted surgery can be added to all these three methods.
If a simple ovarian cyst is 6 cm or larger or persists for more than 2 months in a woman of reproductive age, removal of the cyst is indicated.
Uterine prolapse is the descent of organs inside the hip bone into the vagina due to connective tissue and muscle weakness. Treatment of uterine prolapse depends on the degree of the patient's complaints.
Dermoid cyst is a common tumor in women of reproductive age, and its incidence is 10 in 100,000 women. Most of them may not cause any complaints and may show mild symptoms.
Gynecological laparoscopy, which was previously used for diagnostic purposes or for tubal ligation, has now become a fundamental surgical tool in many gynecological operations.