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Dermoid Cyst Surgery Turkey


Dermoid Cyst (Mature Cystic Teratoma)

Ovarian mature cystic teratomas, also called dermoid cysts, are the most common germ cell tumors, accounting for 70% of ovarian masses in women of reproductive age and 20% in postmenopausal women.

Dermoid Cyst Surgery Turkey

Dermoid cysts and other inguinal masses are frequently encountered in gynecology and obstetrics examinations. One in every 20 women undergoes surgery for a suspicious ovarian mass or cyst during their lifetime. Most inguinal masses in women are benign, and the probability of being malignant varies between one and three in 1000.

Dermoid Cyst Surgery Turkey

In our article, you can find answers to questions such as what is an ovarian dermoid cyst, what are the symptoms of dermoid cysts, the complications it creates, how is dermoid cyst surgery performed?

What is an ovarian dermoid cyst or mature cystic teratoma?

A dermoid cyst is a type of ovarian teratoma. Ovarian teratomas are histologically divided into monodermal teratomas (carcinoid tumors, neural tumors, struma ovarii),immature teratomas and mature cystic teratomas.

Teratomas consist of various histological types within 3 germ layers including ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.

If the teratoma is mature, it is benign and is called mature cystic ovarian teratoma or dermoid cyst. Dermoid cyst constitutes approximately 20% of ovarian germ cell tumors.

Why does mature cystic teratoma (Dermoid cyst) occur?

Mature cystic teratoma may contain fat, hair, teeth, skin, nails, nerve tissue, muscle and bone tissue originating from 3 germ cell layers. Dermoid cysts can also be observed in many organs other than the ovary (eye, skin, brain).

What is the frequency of dermoid cysts?

Dermoid cysts are a common tumor in women of reproductive age, and their frequency is 10 in 100,000 women.

What are the symptoms of dermoid cysts?

Most dermoid cysts may not cause any complaints or may show very mild symptoms. They can usually be diagnosed by chance with ultrasound or other radiological examinations.

If we list the symptoms of dermoid cysts;

  • Severe lower groin and abdominal pain is the most common complaint,
  • Increasing abdominal circumference measurement due to the size of the mass,
  • A feeling of pressure and fullness on the bladder due to the size of the cyst, signs of pressure in the digestive system,
  • If there is torsion in the ovary, nausea, vomiting and increased abdominal sensitivity that gradually increase within 24 hours,
  • Symptoms of pain during intercourse may be observed.

What are the causes of dermoid cysts?

Dermoid cysts are thought to occur as a result of the migration of cell tissue that should not be present in the ovary during the embryological period to the ovary. However, there are some factors that increase the risk of dermoid cysts. To list them briefly;

  • Late menstrual age accompanied by menstrual irregularities,
  • Excessive alcohol use,
  • History of previous dermoid cysts,
  • Infertility,
  • Exercise during adolescence.

What are the characteristics of dermoid cysts?

To list the basic characteristics of dermoid cysts;

  • 88% of dermoid cysts are single-compartmented and the cyst wall is covered with flat epithelial cells.
  • Dermoid cysts contain fat content that is melted at body temperature and solid at room temperature.
  • Dermoid cyst sizes can vary from very small cysts to dangerous sizes of up to 39 cm. 80% of these cysts are 10 cm or less in size.
  • The vast majority of dermoid cyst tumors occur in one ovary. Dermoid cysts are observed in the right ovary in 72% and in both ovaries in 12%.
  • Dermoid cysts do not have a characteristic shape and size. Their shape may vary depending on their content.
  • Dermoid cysts can contain hair, teeth and bone visibly. The diagnosis is confirmed by microscopic examination. They can contain epithelial and neural cells as ectodermal cells, muscle, fat, bone and cartilage as mesodermal cells, thyroid and digestive system epithelium as endodermal cells.

Is dermoid cyst harmful?

Dermoid cyst patients may experience the danger of ovarian torsion in the affected ovary, that is, the ovary turning around itself and disrupting its nutrition. Ovarian torsion is responsible for 16% of the complications related to ovarian mature cystic teratomas, and the most common risk factor for ovarian torsion is the presence of a dermoid cyst.

After the rupture of a dermoid cyst, the contact of the dense fluid inside with the inner abdominal membrane called the peritoneum can trigger a dangerous infection process called chemical peritonitis.

Despite its benign structure, of a dermoid cyst ruptures; It can lead to complications such as peritonitis, Bowel obstruction Abscess.

How is dermoid cyst diagnosed?

Most cases present with nonspecific complaints such as abdominal pain, bloating and fever.

During gynecological examination, suspicion of dermoid cyst begins with transvaginal ultrasonography examination. Calcifications within the suspicious inguinal ovarian cystic mass, areas showing mixed density lesions containing fat and fluid density increase the suspicion. Abdominal and inguinal region computed tomography is diagnostic tool for corrrect diagnosis.

For dermoid cyst, Groin Magnetic resonance (pelvic MRI) examination allows us to make a definitive diagnosis by distinguishing the fatty tissue in the cyst.

How is Dermoid Cyst Treatment?

Dermoid cyst treatment can be grouped under 2 main headings as clinical follow-up and surgical treatment.

  • Follow-up,
  • Surgery.

Non-surgical follow-up is performed in the following cases in dermoid cyst treatment.

  • If there is an expectation of pregnancy in premenopausal women of reproductive age,
  • If the cyst size is under 6 cm,
  • If the cyst growth rate is under 2 cm per year,
  • If there are no complaints when a dermoid cyst is encountered during pregnancy.

Surgery is required in the treatment of dermoid cyst in the following cases;

  • If the dermoid cyst size is over 10 cm,
  • If there is a suspicion of cancer for the dermoid cyst,
  • If the dermoid cyst is ruptured,
  • If the dermoid cyst is torsioned (the ovary is turning around itself),
  • If the dermoid cyst is growing rapidly, surgery is required.

Dermoid Cyst Surgery Turkey

Dermoid cyst surgery can be performed with 2 methods.

  1. Laparoscopic (Closed) Dermoid Cyst Surgery
  2. Open Dermoid Cyst Surgery

The method by which dermoid cyst surgery will be performed is decided according to the size of the cyst, the general condition of the patient, suspicion of cancer, rupture of the cyst, and the patient's previous abdominal surgeries. In suitable patients, the first choice is to perform dermoid cyst surgery with the laparoscopic, i.e. closed method, while preserving the ovaries in young patients.

Laparoscopic (Closed) Dermoid Cyst Surgery

The gold standard in dermoid cyst surgical treatment is the laparoscopic approach. Today, increasing experience in laparoscopic applications has allowed these surgeries to be performed closed.

In young patients or women who want to become pregnant, only the dermoid cyst should be removed without removing the ovary with laparoscopic surgery. In dermoid cyst laparoscopic surgery, if the ovary cannot be preserved in any way in older women, removal of the ovary may be recommended.

A dermoid cyst is considered a benign inguinal mass. Laparoscopic treatment of inguinal masses is appropriate when all the criteria for a benign lesion are present. The criteria for benign ovarian cysts are as follows;

  • In transvaginal ultrasound, fluid or dermoid content within the cyst,
  • Observation of less than 3 sections in the cyst,
  • A thin wall (<3 mm) between the cysts,
  • Absence of vegetation-like protrusions within the cyst,
  • When there are normal Doppler ultrasonography findings, we plan our patients for Laparoscopic dermoid cyst surgery in Turkey.

Since dermoid cysts are known as benign ovarian cysts, it is recommended that the surgery be performed laparoscopically. Laparoscopy or closed surgery is the approach we commonly use in Ankara for "benign" cysts between 5 and 10 cm.

The benign or malignant nature of the cyst cannot be determined by imaging alone, so we take precautions to prevent potential laparoscopic spread during surgery. These precautions include using a laparoscopy material bag to remove the cyst, keeping the instruments clean, preventing contamination in the trocar paths where we enter the abdomen and wiping them with chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine mixtures, preventing carbon dioxide gas leakage, closing 10 mm trocar holes with stitches, sending suspicious fluid or abdominal inner membrane biopsy tissue for analysis, not exceeding a short period of one week between the diagnosis of laparoscopic cancer and the start of chemotherapy or complete surgery.

Dermoid cyst surgery is performed in Ankara by surgeons and centers experienced in ovarian-preserving surgery laparoscopy. Surgery to remove only the cyst while preserving the ovarian tissue may be more challenging than surgeries where the entire ovary is removed. Preserving the ovarian vascularization and the ovum-carrying cortex layer is of great importance in the surgery.

Performing dermoid cyst surgery laparoscopically reduces postoperative pain and hospitalization time. In closed surgeries, less bleeding, quicker mobility and a quick recovery process are observed compared to open surgeries.

Open Dermoid Cyst Surgery

If the dermoid cyst does not meet the criteria for removal by closed method, surgery is performed by open method. In open dermoid cyst surgery, the surgical incision is decided according to the size of the cyst.

If the size of the cyst is suitable, the abdominal folds are entered from the groin area in the cesarean section line, if the cyst is very large, the abdominal cavity is entered from the midline of the abdomen. After the necessary precautions are taken to prevent the cyst content from spreading around the cystic mass, the dermoid cyst can be separated from the ovary or removed together with the ovary. After bleeding control is achieved, the abdominal folds are closed anatomically.

How long does dermoid cyst surgery take?

The duration of dermoid cyst surgery varies according to the size of the cyst and the surgical method. The surgery time increases as the cyst size increases. The closed method takes longer than the open method if the surgeon is less experienced. The average dermoid cyst surgery takes 1-2 hours.

What is a dermoid cyst burst?

It is common for a dermoid cyst to burst or rupture spontaneouslyIt is not a condition that can be treated. If a dermoid cyst ruptures, it can lead to complications such as chemical peritonitis, intestinal obstruction and abscess.

If a dermoid cyst ruptures during surgery, the fluid and tissue inside the cyst must be quickly removed into a laparoscopic bag and the abdomen must be washed with at least 5 liters of physiological serum. Rupture and incomplete removal of a dermoid cyst may require repeated dermoid cyst surgery.

What is the probability of a dermoid cyst being malignant?

A dermoid cyst or mature cystic teratoma is a benign ovarian tumor. The probability of this tumor being a malignant tumor called immature cystic teratoma as a result of pathology is 1%. The word immature defines that the cyst is malignant. If the tumor is malignant, complete surgical removal of the ovary is a necessary procedure. In addition, the other ovary and uterus are removed. After surgery, the patient is started on platinum-containing chemotherapy shortly after the surgery.

Does a dermoid cyst prevent pregnancy?

A dermoid cyst generally does not prevent pregnancy. However, a dermoid cyst can create situations where the pregnancy is complicated and requires surgery during pregnancy. In cases of torsion, which is the rotation of the ovary around itself during pregnancy, or rupture of the cyst, emergency surgery is required.

Can a dermoid cyst be treated with medication?

A dermoid cyst is unfortunately a tumoral condition that cannot be treated with medication. In case of early diagnosis, it is possible to save the ovary safely with laparoscopic intervention. In case of very large or ruptured dermoid cysts, open surgery is preferred.

Herbal Treatment of Dermoid Cyst

There is no known herbal treatment option for dermoid cyst. In case of early diagnosis, it is possible to save the ovary safely with laparoscopic intervention.

Do dermoid cysts recur after surgery?

Although the recurrence rate of dermoid cysts after successful surgery is low, it is not impossible. Especially if the cyst ruptures during surgery or if a section of the cyst capsule remains in the ovary, the recurrence rate increases. In addition, dermoid cysts may recur in the other ovary after surgery.

Those Who Underwent Dermoid Cyst Surgery

If dermoid cyst surgery was performed laparoscopically, patients are discharged from the hospital to their homes after a one-night stay. They can return to work within a week. No sexual activity restrictions are recommended after surgery. It is only recommended not to lift heavy objects for 2 months.

There is no time limit for pregnancy after dermoid cyst surgery. Pregnancy is possible as soon as possible.

After Dermoid Cyst Surgery

The most important factor affecting the return to daily life after dermoid cyst surgery is whether the surgery is performed laparoscopically or openly. Closed surgeries are considered the gold standard for dermoid cysts. However, if the dermoid cyst is very large or has ruptured, open surgery is preferred. A single night stay is recommended for closed dermoid cyst surgery, and a two-night stay is recommended for open surgery.

Laparoscopic dermoid cyst surgery is performed with general anesthesia, while open surgery is performed with anesthesia from the waist, which we call epidural.

Recovery Process After Dermoid Cyst Surgery

The recovery process after dermoid cyst surgery varies depending on whether the surgery is closed or open. In closed surgeries, the hospital stay is very short, and the return to daily life is very fast. In closed surgeries, the patient can do their own work in 1-2 days and return to work within 1 week. In open surgeries, the hospital stay is long and the return to daily life is longer.

Dermoid Cyst Surgery Cost Turkey

Dermoid cyst surgery prices vary depending on whether the surgery is closed or open, the hospital where the surgery is performed, and the length of hospital stay.

In your search for the best doctor for dermoid cyst surgery, the experience of the specialist who will perform your surgery in laparoscopic and organ-preserving surgeries is of great importance.

Update Date: 29.07.2024
Associate Prof. Önder Koç
Prof. Dr. Önder Koç
Kadın Hastalıkları, Doğum, Jinekolojik Laparoskopi, Tüp Bebek Uzmanı
The content of the page is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Associate Prof. Önder KoçProf. Dr. Önder KoçGynecology and Obstetrics Specialist, Prof. Dr. Önder Koç
Whatsapp: 0505 287 4333
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